The No. 1 Kobo eBook and Audiobook Converter
Epubor Kobo Converter is a top-tier professional tool designed for converting Kobo eBooks and audiobooks. If you have purchased eBooks or audiobooks from Kobo, this convenient software provides everything you need for easy backup: a Kobo eBook Converter, a Kobo Audiobook Converter, and a Kobo DRM Removal tool.
Kobo MP3 Conversion: Effortlessly convert your Kobo audiobooks to MP3 format with just one click, enabling you to listen on any MP3 player.
Kobo Chapter Splitting: Automatically split Kobo audiobooks into chapters for a seamless listening experience.
Safe Backup: Securely back up all your audiobooks on your computer with a single click.
Convert Kobo to DRM-free ePub Files
DRM Removal: Easily remove DRM protection from Kobo books downloaded in kepub format, making them compatible with Kindle or Remarkable tablets.
Format Conversion: Convert Kobo eBooks to DRM-free ePub format effortlessly while preserving the original quality.
Enjoy the freedom to read your Kobo books on various devices without limitations.
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